Review: Meguiars Carpet and Upholstery Cleaner

Probably the best carpet and upholstery cleaner on the market. Meguiars Carpet & Upholstery cleaner is an aerosol-based heavy-duty carpet and upholstery cleaner. Meguiars uses a cleaning formula that’s designed to break up and release all types of ground-in stains from your carpet and upholstery. Meguiars is a fast-acting cleaner that’s ideal for use on […]

Debugging the exterior of a vehicle


One of the pitfalls of a long road trip is the thousands of insects smashed into the front end of your car. Night time driving brings the same troubles. Debugging the exterior of your vehicle, getting bugs off your car, often requires more than just soap and a good scrub. Strong summer heat can make […]

What is Interior Detail Service?

Clean Car Interior

A car detailing service will clean your vehicle of dirt and road grime, both inside and out and in detail using special tools. The challenge when shopping for a detailing service is finding one that will cover all of the required aspects of detailing. Interior Detailing A professional auto detailing technicians will treat all the […]

Home Washing vs. Professional Car Washing

Hand Washing

Just grab a bucket of soapy water, a hose and a sponge, and scrub away. Home washing your car is a simple task. A professional car washing is more than just a hobby or a simple business but a critical, detail-oriented procedure done only by professionals. So the question, β€œIs a professional or home car […]

Is Professional Detailing Worth the Money?

Dark Blue Beetle

The Chevy is loosing it’s luster and shine, the leaves on the floorboard have turned to mulch, and the spilled milkshake looks and smells cheesy. Now, it’s time to do something about it. You’re off to a nearby auto supply store for supplies to DIY your car back to new. So many products to choose […]

How Often should I Have My Vehicle Detailed?

Your vehicle looks dull! The paint or the interior has cracks! It’s time to invest in a car detail job. While not every car owner chooses to bring their car to a shop for detailing, and often some owners choose to allow their cars to go without detailing for many months, years or even for […]

The Benefits of Car Detailing

Headlight Restoration

You should regularly and periodically take your car to a shop for detailing and cleaning. A thorough inspection of your car will reveal all areas of your vehicle that are in need of repair, cleaning, or repainting. If your car needs dent repair, windshield repair, or rust proofing, the detailer will find solutions that are […]